Asked what Gandhiji meant by his statement to the Bombay Chronicle representative, viz., "Indeed I will be prepared to advise the Working Committee to accept even a one-sided tribunal, that is, a tribunal that may confine its attention only to investigate the countercharges" Gandhiji replied:
I am not prepared to give up my demand for an impartial enquiry into the charges brought by the Congress, hut what I said to the Chronicle representative was that I would be prepared to advise the Working Committee to lace an enquiry that would only investigate charges against the Congress.
In other words, I would not make it a condition precedent that the tribunal that goes into the charges against the Congress should also investigate the charges by the Congress against the Provincial Governments. The Congress wishes to hide nothing, nor does the Congress wish to shirk its representation at the Round Table Conference, but the condition of going to the Round Table Conference should be fulfilled, namely, satisfactory fulfilment of the terms of the Settlement by the Government. That satisfaction can only be given by the Government either conceding the Congress demands or failing that by appointing a tribunal of enquiry. I can conceive nothing more just, nothing more simple and nothing more honourable.